Title: Cartoons were funnier when we were kids.
June holidays. Just the start. Seriously, it seem to me like a month of boot-camp of hard education. Its already Day 2 at the library, courtesy of NTU. NTU is huge. The library is quiet, as all libraries should be. They have books here that to me, makes no sense. Stellar Physics, Quantum Theory, and a whole lot of books with a gazillion equations in it. Well, its great entertainment reading all this while figuring out what the hell is all this, which i still do not know and would never know. Its already hard trying to cope with the secondary school's syllabus, any further, its a one-way trip to a journey of no return, unless that if you believe in reincarnation. You can find out more about reincarnation in my latest book....no.<--(do not even ask)
i really do hope that time would reverse itself by two hours for every three hours that have past.
looney tunes are classics.
-im out.