Title: So our matching legs are marching clocks.
Have been jogging in prep for the saucony marathon.
played flag football yesterday.
scored two touchdowns. oh yeah.
the downside; my body aches a hell lot,
and i cant sneeze and laugh too hard.
Oh and finished my homework.
but there are still heaps of assignments!
And, i finally placed music on this blog,
it took my forever to do so.
Is everyone enjoying the Poly life?
Those JC people who thinks Poly life is a breeze,
take your fist and stuff it down your throat.
(im joking we should all live in harmony, like the Aware EXCOs)
Yes, week 3 ahead.
Note to self: got to start on my journals this week.
And Heroes Season 3
Volume 4: Fugitives
is over.
Season 4
Volume 5: Redemption
Marathons and American Football FTW!
Have been jogging in prep for the saucony marathon.
played flag football yesterday.
scored two touchdowns. oh yeah.
the downside; my body aches a hell lot,
and i cant sneeze and laugh too hard.
Oh and finished my homework.
but there are still heaps of assignments!
And, i finally placed music on this blog,
it took my forever to do so.
Is everyone enjoying the Poly life?
Those JC people who thinks Poly life is a breeze,
take your fist and stuff it down your throat.
(im joking we should all live in harmony, like the Aware EXCOs)
Yes, week 3 ahead.
Note to self: got to start on my journals this week.
And Heroes Season 3
Volume 4: Fugitives
is over.
Season 4
Volume 5: Redemption
Marathons and American Football FTW!