Title: Mirror, Sword and Shield
Welcome to yet another episode of picture drought.
I do have pictures, but well slightly lazy to post it up.
Slightly is a lie.
Crap, i have been talking about school work,
even since once upon a time in SP design.
I shall condense my past "happenings" into paragraphs
it might get very dry.
Early this week,
Choon Keat , Toby, Tiong Han, Samson and I
were walking toward the mrt station,
we decided to get some ice cream
from a ice cream vending machine.
it's like so prick-ish.
tiong han went first and put in money
and press the ice cream he wants, nothing happened,
and his coins got rejected.
Samson tried the next time and it was rather successful.
The suction pipe that sucks the ice cream
went for the ice cream samson selected and suck up nothing.
it went to another compartment and sucked up nothing again.
and the fridge was not close.
we were laughing our ass off, literally.
we went to macdonalds instead.
The next day toby tried, and got his dollar taken away.
LOL, suddenly i forgot what i wanted to type.
design causes STM.
till next time.
Welcome to yet another episode of picture drought.
I do have pictures, but well slightly lazy to post it up.
Slightly is a lie.
Crap, i have been talking about school work,
even since once upon a time in SP design.
I shall condense my past "happenings" into paragraphs
it might get very dry.
Early this week,
Choon Keat , Toby, Tiong Han, Samson and I
were walking toward the mrt station,
we decided to get some ice cream
from a ice cream vending machine.
it's like so prick-ish.
tiong han went first and put in money
and press the ice cream he wants, nothing happened,
and his coins got rejected.
Samson tried the next time and it was rather successful.
The suction pipe that sucks the ice cream
went for the ice cream samson selected and suck up nothing.
it went to another compartment and sucked up nothing again.
and the fridge was not close.
we were laughing our ass off, literally.
we went to macdonalds instead.
The next day toby tried, and got his dollar taken away.
LOL, suddenly i forgot what i wanted to type.
design causes STM.
till next time.