Title: tough break on the young ones.
christmas is soon arriving. i always thought santa was real, well..that's right, mock me.(do it discreetly) No, but seriously at the age of five or six, i always believed santa to be true. When christmas is around the corner,recalling it now foolishly, i would always write a letter, stating what gift i would like to receive, and ask my parents for a stamp. I do not really know where the letters went, or want to know.
That reminds me, there was sort of like a quote i heard from somewhere that really mirrors my own disheartening experience. Its something like " oh i've had it! when i was four i had that 'no tooth fairy' speech, and when i was five i had that 'no Santa' speech, and when i was six there was that 'no easter bunny' speech. It just allows me to process the thought of poor young ones having this certain hope or certain perception that something is true.
Ah well, celebration were meant to be happy. Happy for now that is. Events after the holidays, stress, no. Stress shouldn't even be the word to describe it. Im outta here.