Title: Resolutions(2009).
These would probably make up my 2009:
1) Get better at the drums.
2) Do volunteer work (elderly).
3)Learn Japanese.
4)Be a better person overall.
5)Run a half marathon.
6)Be a Youtube persona.
7) Grow taller
8)Be healthy/safe
9)Be great in my grades
10)Complete the above 9 resolutions.
There are actually 90+ more to go, but i shall leave the rest for the following years.
2) Do volunteer work (elderly).
3)Learn Japanese.
4)Be a better person overall.
5)Run a half marathon.
6)Be a Youtube persona.
7) Grow taller
8)Be healthy/safe
9)Be great in my grades
10)Complete the above 9 resolutions.
There are actually 90+ more to go, but i shall leave the rest for the following years.