Title: "i would like to have my fries now thank you, on the double, chop-chop"
Everything seemed to be going well after my new computer have arrived. everything was put into place, and when i hit the power button, Wah-la, s-a-t-i-s-f-a-c-t-i-o-n. After about a day of usage, i felt everything was good. On the second time i used, everything started to change for the worst. Internet explorer doesn't work, windows media player doesnt work, my speakers have muted itself for no apparent reason whatsoever.
I know, its a new computer, and it is already giving me problems. It must be some voodoo computer out to play chance with my life again just like God did with the class retreat.
What's with March?. It is always raining. Goodness.
-im out.