Title: RocketCrashTest At The Movies
(Quarantine, Body Of Lies.)
Body of Lies is a film about a CIA operative who goes to Jordan to track a high-ranking terrorist.
That would be Leonardo DiCaprio. He takes on the role Roger Ferris, a CIA operative, who practically risked his life sourcing for information about terrorists in the middle east. While his handler, Ed Hoffman portrayed by Russell Crowe, has it easy back in civilization.
Overall, this movie is not really a must watch, but interesting in how the story plays out, the portrayal of the terrorists in the film was definitely realistic, its as though the director hired real terrorists to act in the film.
The Verdict:3/5
Yes.Yes, Quarantine has similar themes and filming techniques similar to Cloverfield, it has been dubbed a horror movie, but i beg to differ. The horror element was never part of the storyline, it was killed off with the boring 45 mins " Days And Lives of a Fireman" part, where what was shown was the main character, Angela Vidal who is a reporter, doing a report on the night shift of a Los Angeles fire station.
The main hint of horror was felt only when they were introduced into a building/apartment(where 1/2 of the film took place) There were no sign of horror, only gore, where infected people, supposedly contracted Rabies, started going into states of delirium and started biting meat of other people, thus spreading the virus as a result. The main attraction anyone would feel is the gore, suspense and the loud sound effects which tingle everyone senses, yet i do not see why it is termed horror, when its mainly GORE. Blood, Blood, Blood.
The story goes on to a ending of yet another: " WHAT THE ****"
The Verdict: 1/5 ( I would rather catch Juno 5 times but not watch this again)