Title: smashing times, goodbye.
im really lazy after exams, its like you've been brought to another dimension by aliens of some sort and brought back brainwashed. Everything that was studied seem to be drained away from me to the alien database. I know. I have no particular reason for talking about aliens, it actually makes no sense what im writing( it usually doesn't)*.
Well, exams are over, and half the year's gone, does it have anything to do with the shift of earth position from its axis?(...once again). It doesnt, so it seems. Im really not fufilling my "life" with interesting events or happenings, its like im wasting my life force away. Argh, O levels are approaching,....anything happens.
i shall write more often, if my brain permits. ( which i seriously have seconds thought whether i have, 'thought' would not have been possible if brain is not there.) speaking in circles yet again.
-im out.