After the 3 days of well, breather, it came to an end. I hate it where you've to clear out of the chalet so early on the last day, it ended so abruptly and no doubt rushing.
The class retreat was as, anyone would say, a moment of fun, bonding and rest. As in any class retreat, activites and schedules would be planned, but none was followed. Probably due to the constant raining period while we were there. And today, which is the last day, who knows, it didn't rain.
God is probably playing chance with us on his gaming console.
All fun happening would always come to an end, so does 'not-so' fun stuff, but it ends at a faster pace. It is so true that time passes 2 times(personal stats) faster than compared to when you're doing something that most do not enjoy.
Most people fell ill, one step short of dying, during the class retreat. namely L-- Y- Z--. It must be from the harsh blizzard-ry rain and the fusion of the air-conditioning . Well, hope that everyone gets well in time for school. Take good care.
Here it goes, inspirational defunct is at an all-time high this past few weeks, must be the constant consumption of paracetamol, loratadine, erythromycin and a little mix of prozac.
Remember too much medicine could kill, go easy on the painkiller.
Probably would grab some pictures from some classmates, soon.
-im out.