Caught the dark knight a couple of weeks back. It was a pretty good film in its own aspects.

Shall review the dark knight first.
The Dark Knight has been smashing the box office since its premiere, it still is. Well, the story got off to a pretty interesting start, where some Joker lookalikes were executing a plan to rob a bank. The plan ended up as a success, with most of them backstabbing each other in order to receive more of the loot. Well, the Joker, was the only one left standing.
The story was filled with more conversation then an action film should have. Movie-goers who goes purely for action would probably dose off during such scenes. The conversation in fact brought the film to another level of action.
This time, the story revolves around three main characters, Bruce Wayne a.k.a Batman, Joker, and Harvey Dent a.k.a Twoface. The constant struggle to remain on the good side was the challenge Batman has to face, and the joker is there to see him fall. As for Harvey Dent, see the movie for yourself.
To end it, here's a quote from the movie:
" You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"