Title: Tag, you're it!
so jaselyn tagged me to do a series of questions, here goes:
1. How long will you wait for someone you love?
: waiting shall be indefinite, but that may change while waiting, i.e: 10+ years?
2. What do you want to do now?
: key in the words to this question.
3. Do you have someone you like now?
: sure do.
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
: well, at times everyone dislike friends. but it's not exactly hate, that is too strong a word, as if hate were to be used, im not too sure that person could be considered a friend anymore.
5. Where do you wish to die?
: i dont wish for neither a glorious death, nor a pathetic death. Just probably sleeping on a rocking chair beside my loved one, facing the sea.
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
: is this question referring to the metaphorical meaning or literally. well, in the metaphorical way, to some point yes, the literal one, not so much, i dont really like the rain, nor do i have the time to look out for a rainbow in the sky.
7. What are the impossible things you wish to do?
: probably get rid of my phobia for heights and do a bungee jump, be a rockstar.
8. Is there something which you wished never happened?
: right now? this tagging sh*t! but seriously there are plenty.
9.Are you happy with your life now?
: not really, as the pressure of the O levels is building up.
10. What if your crush asked you out?
: technically that would be impossible. and i would add this in Q7. but if it happened i probably would have sudden heart palpitations and a hard time breathing, and say yes.( of course that is if i survived the symptoms)
11. What will you do when you feel bored?
: play games on the PS3, draw,sleep, stare into space. ( not all at once though)
12. What feelings do you hate the most?
: one that holds grudges.
13. If you will be separated from your loved one(s) for quite a period of time, what will be some things you want to tell them?
: how are you?
14. What present would you like to receive most?
: a time machine.
15. What kind of boy/girl do you like?
: i like boys with ...wait..i mean( opps)..i like girls with a smart intellect but with a retarded side, a sporty character with a childish mindset. One that is funny but silly at times.....wait a minute, is this a matchmaking website? WTF?!?!?!
-im out